SkelCL is a high level multi GPU skeleton library developed at the university of Münster, Germany.
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NskelclThe namespace skelcl encapsulated the whole project. Every class provided by SkelCL is in this namespace
 CAllPairs< Tout(Tleft, Tright)>An instance of the AllPairs class describes a calculation of pairs of row vectors and column vectors with a user defined function which can be performed on a device
 CIndexThis class defines an Index, i.e. an unsigned integer representing a value in a one-dimensional index space
 CIndexPointThis class defines an two-dimensional IndexPoint, i.e. a pair of unsigned integers representing a value in a two-dimensional index space
 CLocalThis class represents OpenCL local memory in SkelCL
 CMap< Tout(Index)>This version of the Map<Tout(Tin)> skeleton is executed over an one-dimensional index space defined by an IndexVector
 CMap< Tout(IndexPoint)>This version of the Map<Tout(Tin)> skeleton is executed over an two-dimensional index space defined by an IndexMatrix
 CMap< Tout(Tin)>This class implements the Map skeleton, which describes calculations performed on one or more devices. It invokes a unary used-defined function on a container in a parallel fashion
 CMap< void(Index)>This version of the Map<Tout(Tin)> skeleton is executed over an one-dimensional index space defined by an IndexVector. This version is used when the user-function has return type void
 CMap< void(IndexPoint)>This version of the Map<Tout(Tin)> skeleton is executed over an two-dimensional index space defined by an IndexMatrix. This version is used when the user-function has return type void
 CMap< void(Tin)>This version of the Map<Tout(Tin)> skeleton is used, when the user-defined function has the return type void, i.e. it doesn't produce a return value
 CMapOverlap< Tout(Tin)>This class implements the MapOverlap skeleton, which describes calculations performed on one or more devices. It invokes a unary user-defined function on a container in a parallel fashion. Unlike the Map skeleton the user-defined function can access more than just a single element of the container
 CMatrixThe Matrix class is a two dimensional container which makes its data accessible on the host as well as on the devices
 CcoordinateThis struct represents two dimensional coordinates
 CMatrix< IndexPoint >The IndexMatrix (a.k.a. Matrix<IndexPoint>) class is a special implementation of a Matrix with Elements of type IndexPoint
 CMatrixSizeThis class defines a two dimensional size for a Matrix
 COut< ContainerType< T > >This class can be used to wrap an container to be passed as argument to a skeleton
 CReduce< T(T)>An instance of the Reduce class describes a reduction calculation (a.k.a. accumulate) customized by a given binary user-defined function
 CScan< T(T)>An instance of the Reduce class describes a scan (a.k.a. prefix sum) calculation customized by a given binary user-defined function
 CSourceThis class is a unified wrapper for defining source code in SkelCL
 CVectorThe Vector class is a one dimensional container which makes its data accessible on the host as well as on the devices
 CVector< Index >The IndexVector (a.k.a. Vector<Index>) class is a special implementation of a Vector with Elements of type Index
 CZip< Tout(Tleft, Tright)>An instance of the Zip class describes a calculation which can be performed on one or more devices
 CZip< void(Tleft, Tright)>An instance of the Zip class describes a calculation which can be performed on one or more devices