SkelCL – A Skeleton Library for Heterogeneous Systems

SkelCL is a library providing high-level abstractions to alleviate programming of modern parallel heterogeneous systems comprising of multi-core CPUs and GPUs.

It is built on top of the OpenCL standard and offers pre-implemented recurring computation and communication patterns (called skeletons) which greatly simplify parallel programming.

SkelCL is a research project currently developed by Michel Steuwer and others at the research group parallel and distributed systems at the University of Münster, Germany.

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#include <SkelCL/SkelCL.h>
#include <SkelCL/Zip.h>
#include <SkelCL/Reduce.h>
#include <SkelCL/Vector.h>
using namespace skelcl;
int main() {
  skelcl::init(); // initialize SkelCL

  // specify calculations using parallel patterns (skeletons):
  Zip<int(int,int)> mult("int func(int x, int y){ return x*y; }");
  Reduce<int(int)>   sum("int func(int x, int y){ return x+y; }", "0");

  Vector<int> A(1024);      Vector<int> B(1024); // create and fill vectors
  init(A.begin(), A.end()); init(B.begin(), B.end());

  Vector<int> C = sum( mult(A, B) ); // perform calculation in parallel

  std::cout << "Dot product: " << C.front() << std::endl; // access result
Computation of the dot product of two vectors using SkelCL

About SkelCL

SkelCL is a library providing high-level abstractions for alleviated programming of modern parallel heterogeneous systems.

Programming modern heterogeneous systems comprising of multi-core CPUs, GPUs, etc. is complex and error-prone. Existing programming approaches, like CUDA or OpenCL, are intrinsically low-level. Handling of multiple compute devices is complicated and requires manually data movement between them.

The SkelCL library is built on top of the OpenCL standard and offers pre-implemented recurring computation and communication patterns (called skeletons) which greatly simplify programming for modern heterogeneous systems.

The library also provides an abstract vector data type and a high-level data (re)distribution mechanism to shield the programmer from the low-level data transfers between the system's main memory and multiple compute devices.

SkelCL is a research project currently developed by Michel Steuwer and others at the research group parallel and distributed systems at University of Münster which is located in Germany.

Getting SkelCL

The source code of SkelCL is available at Gitub: Instructions for building SkelCL can be found at SkelCL has been build and tested successfully on recent Ubuntu systems, Mac OS X Mavericks as well as Windows 7 and 8. A set of examples can be found in the examples folder. If you have trouble building or using SkelCL feel free to contact the author Michel Steuwer.


A documentation of SkelCL is available at


SkelCL is available under multiple licenses. The licenses are GPLv3 as well as a less restrictive license for non-commercial academic use. If you are interested in using SkelCL under different license terms please contact the author Michel Steuwer. For more details about the licensing please see the LICENSE.txt file.





Michel Steuwer